Diablo 2 Latino

Servidores privados - Es necesario actualizar a la V. 1.13

luis25768 - 17 Abr, 2013 - 08:35 PM
Asunto: Es necesario actualizar a la V. 1.13
Hola, yo recien estoy empezando a jugar Diablo 2 tengo la version 1.12 y estoy en el nivel 23 con nigromante, Es necesario que yo actualize a la V 1.13 ya que yo solo juego en single player, mi internet es muy lento para jugar en la red por eso solo juego en un solo jugador, vuelvo apreguntar, es necesario que actualize ala V 1.13 ya que yo tengo la V 1.12, yo aun estoy en el Acto 2 aun no lo he pasado, mi otra pregunta es si cuando yo pase todos los 4 actos, recien me va salir la opcion de modos indondicional modo infierno modo pesadilla y esas cosas que yo veo que ustedes hablan sobre la cueva del druida el campamento de las hechiceras y todas esas cosas? tengo que esperar a pasar los 4 actos por primera vez y ahi recien me van aparecer todas esas opciones? yo tengo diablo 2 V 1.12, y cuando lo cree al nigromante estaba marcado la casilla personaje de expansion, y cada vez que juego abajo del nombre de mi jugador dice pres expansion, con letras verdes creo, significa que yo tengo que pasar 5 actos? verdad? y mi otra pregunta es que, he leido por ahi que en batle net o multiplayer aparecen otros escenarios que solo aparecen en blatle net o multiplayer pero no aparecen en single player? es eso cierto? yo que tengo la version 1.12 ahi no salen esos escenarios? o hay un parche para eso? y para jugar esos escenarios tambien tengo que pasar por primera vez los 5 actos en modo normal?
luis25768 - 17 Abr, 2013 - 09:44 PM
Asunto: soy yo me olvide decirles que
me olvide decirles que tengo Diablo 2 V 1.12 lord destruccion expansion , esa version es la que tengo.
CarlosAvila85 - 17 Abr, 2013 - 10:08 PM
Asunto: soy yo me olvide decirles que
El modo pesadilla lo desbloqueas "rescatando" el modo normal, y el modo infierno con pesadilla. Como tienes la expansion y si seleccionaste la casilla "Personaje de expansión" al crear tu personaje, entonces hasta que acabes el acto V.

El modo incondicional lo desbloqueas de la misma manera o actualizando a la versión 1.13C, cito, "- Removed the requirements to create a hardcore"

Esto es lo que traen los parches, si crees que no necesitas nada de esto, entonces no es necesario.

New Features

- Ignoring players is now saved between sessions of the game. All ignores are now
written out to disk (file: 'ignorelist'). This feature can be toggled by issuing
the command '/ignorepersist'.
- Users can now filter messages based on content by issuing the command
'/filtermsg <content>'. To unfilter content issue the command
'/unfiltermsg <content>'. (The maximum length of a filter pattern is 128
- Users can now set their home channel by issuing a new Battle.net chat command
'/home <channel name>' while in the Battle.net chat interface.
- Users can return to their home channel at any time by issuing the command '/home'
while in the Battle.net chat interface.

Major Bugs

- Fixed a known dupe method.
- Fixed another issue where players were able to stack auras in an unintended way.

Minor Bugs

- Fixed a bug where Mercenaries wouldn't have multiple auras active when they
should have.
- Fixed an issue where players could create games prefixed with color codes.
- Potentially fixed an issue where players would be disconnected when watching the
cinematics when in a Battle.net game.
- Fixed an issue where the game would crash when running in windowed mode with
sound disabled and the game tried to play a cinematic.

Battle.net Chat Reminder

Battle.net provides a number of ways to manage in-game spam and communication from
other players. Some of these commands are:

/options ignorepublic (/o igpub)
- Ignores messages in public chat channels from anyone who isn't on your
friends list.

/options unignorepublic (/o uigpub)
- Reallows messages in public chat channels from anyone who isn't in your
friends list.

/options ignoreprivate (/o igpriv)
- While in private chat channels you will not receive messages from anyone who
isn't in your friends list.

/options unignoreprivate (/o uigpriv)
- Re-allows messages in private chat channels from anyone who isn't in your
friends list.

/options ignorewhispers (/o igw)
- Ignore whispers from anyone who isn't in your friends list.

/options unignorewhispers (/o unigw)
- Reallows whispers from all users.

- Patch 1.13c

A new Mystery has been revealed!

- Adventurers of Sanctuary are hereby warned once again, that a new challenge
awaits you. Within Diablo's Bosses, spanning across the world from the
ancient Monastery Catacombs to the Throne of Destruction, is where you'll
find what you seek...

Major Bugs

- Fixed an item dupe bug.
- Video improvements for Intel Mac machines with OS 10.5 or greater.
- Fixed an issue where some players could kill other players while in town
- Fixed an issue where some players could disconnect other players when
they had too many active states.
- Fixed two issues where players could stack auras in an unintended way.

Minor Bugs

- Uber Mephisto now checks for both Uber Baal and Uber Diablo to be killed
before spawning summoned minions (Before he would only check for Uber Baal).
- The game will no longer stop and then restart the game music after the
window loses and then regains focus.
- Fixed an issue where the game window would minimize when running in
windowed mode when it lost focus.
- Fixed an issue where the game window wouldn't center properly when it
was created.
- Fangskin should now properly drop loot in Hell difficulty.
- Fixed an issue where auras were not re-applied to your mercenary after
it was resurrected.
- Fixed an issue where if you had two items which provided auras to
a mercenary and you unequipped one, the aura from the remaining
item never became active.
- Fixed an issue where the Paladin class runeword 'Principle' wasn't
having all of its stats applied properly.
- Fixed an issue where the Paladin's Charge ability would become locked
out if Holy Shield faded while charging.
- Fixed an issue where the Barbarian's Leap ability could become locked
out if they were hit when they started to leap.

Specific changes/improvements

- Respecialization is now possible! Completing the 'Den of Evil' quest
will now additionally reward 1 free respec which can be saved. Players
who have already completed this quest should receive 1 free respec in
Hell difficulty.
- Increased the drop rate of high runes.
- Support for blit scaling in windowed mode. The game can now be
maximized to the largest 4:3 resolution supported (hooray widescreen users).
- Some rare drop items now have an orange color. i.e. Runes and items
required for Uber Tristam.
- Modified the gold bank limit to be a flat cap not bound by level.
- Removed the requirements to create a hardcore character.
- Greatly reduced the explosion damage dealt by Fire Enchanted monsters.
- Uber Mephisto and Uber Baal's summoned minions no longer give experience.
- Removed Oblivion Knight's Iron Maiden curse.
- Hellfire Torch Firestorm proc rate has been reduced to 5%.
- Users can now toggle the display of text over the Health and Mana
globes by clicking on the bottom area of each orb.
- When creating a single player game, each difficulty button is now bound
to a unique key: Normal 'R', Nightmare 'N', and Hell 'H'.
- The 'Enter Chat' Button in the battle.net waiting room is now
bound to the 'Enter' key.
- Added the windows system buttons to the game window (MIN, MAX, CLOSE).
- Added new command line parameter '-nofixaspect' which allows users to
not fix the aspect ratio to 4:3 when maximizing in windowed mode.
This lets the game 'stretch' to fill your monitor.
- Added support for '-sndbkg' command line switch. This enables sound
in background.
- Added the following aliases for pre-existing command line options,
'-nosound', '-window', and '-windowed'.

Revised Skill balance for Player Character classes


- Immolation Arrow - Increased radius of Explosion effect by 33% and
Immolation effect by 50%.
- Immolation Arrow - Explosion effect damage increased by 20%.
- Immolation Arrow - Increased base duration by 33%.


- Dragon Claw - Synergy receives 4% additional damage per point of Claw Mastery.
- Dragon Talon - The bonus to Attack Rating per point has been increased to 35.
- Shadow Master - Increased resistance range per point from 5-80 to 5-90.
- Combo points awarded by combo moves now last 15 seconds, up from 9.


- Whirlwind - Reduced initial mana cost by 50%.
- Masteries - Changed critical strike chance from 0-25 to 0-35.


- Blessed Hammer - No longer ignores resistances of undead and demons.


- Werebear - Damage bonus increased by 15% across all ranks.
- Werebear - Increased health by 25% and armor by 1% per point.
- Shockwave - Synergy from Maul adds 5% damage per point.


- Blood Golem - Removed negative shared life effect (player no longer
loses life when the golem takes damage).
- Corpse Explosion - Increased base damage dealt from 60% - 100%
to 70% - 120% of corpses health.
- Poison Nova - Increased base damage by 15%.


- Firewall - Synergy receives 1% damage per point of Inferno and
4% per point of Warmth.
- Blaze - Synergy receives 1% damage per point of Firewall
and 4% per point of Warmth.
- Hydra - Increased base damage by 15% per rank.
- Hydra - Increased base speed of Hydra projectile.
- Hydra - Reduced cooldown by 25%.

PD: Cada vez que veas la necesidad de corregir algo, o añadir información a tu mensaje original, usa la funcion "EDIT", de lo contrario infringes las normas del foro al auto-contestarte, es posible que te cierren el post.
uge - 18 Abr, 2013 - 03:07 PM
Bienvenido Luis,

Por si no te ha quedado claro:
- No necesitas actualizar a la ultima version, puedes jugar con la que tienes instalada.
- Las unicas ventajas que obtienes si actualizas son las que te pone Carlos.
- En Battle.net no hay zonas nuevas ni niveles secretos ni flautas, el juego es exactamente el mismo. Las unicas diferencias son algunas palabras runicas extra que puedes hacer y el evento de Uber Tristram (los clones), para eso puedes instalarte el Tristram mod. Si necesitas mas info buscala en esta pagina, se ha explicado su instalacion muchas veces.
- El modo inicial es normal, y con la expansion consta de cinco actos. Cuando lo termines se desbloqueara el modo pesadilla con los mismos cinco actos, y cuando termines ese, se desbloqueara el modo infierno.
- El modo incondicional se desbloqueaba al llegar a nivel 10 con un personaje normal, creo.
- Mi consejo es juega como estas, diviertete y busca toda la info que necesites en esta pagina. Para cuando estes en disposicion de enfrentarte a los clones ya sabras lo que tienes que hacer y como encontrarlo...

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