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Asunto: Build asesina kicker  MensajePublicado: 08 Nov, 2011 - 09:05 PM

9 posts


Miembro desde
27 Oct 2011
quisiera sus opiniones respecto a una asesina con las siguientes habilidades maxeadas:

*uña de dragon
*maestro de las sombras
*rafaga de mente
*capa de las sombras

y ademas de mercenario un moro defensivo en normal Razz

Ultima edición por frozenfire el 09 Nov, 2011 - 02:29 AM, editado 1 vez
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Asunto: Build asesina kicker  MensajePublicado: 09 Nov, 2011 - 12:25 AM

Asesina de Dioses
889 posts

Asesina de Dioses

Miembro desde
22 Feb 2008
mira casi no se de este personaje pero si quieres ver que tan poderosa llegaria a ser tu asesina crea uno con el hero solo para ver que tal o si es posible te pueden crear un personaje en el taller de los personajes solo lo que te puedo decir esque si algun dia me meto de lleno con la asesina todas las verciones que aga tendrian que llevar maestro de sombras por que esta habilidad se me hace muy chida

Ten cuidado con los demonios y las bestias inmundas
Guía Bárbaro TubaBluba
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Asunto: Build asesina kicker  MensajePublicado: 09 Nov, 2011 - 04:16 AM

Hija del Demonio
1121 posts

Hija del Demonio

Miembro desde
13 Nov 2009
imagino la buscas para pvm

puedes hacer un cambio hasla hibrida trampras maxea dt venom y dale un solo punto a df y a sm maxea ls y ds con eso tendras un daño aceptable de trampas y la habilidad kick

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Asunto: Re: Build asesina kicker  MensajePublicado: 09 Nov, 2011 - 04:51 AM

9 posts


Miembro desde
27 Oct 2011
Lust escribió:
imagino la buscas para pvm

puedes hacer un cambio hasla hibrida trampras maxea dt venom y dale un solo punto a df y a sm maxea ls y ds con eso tendras un daño aceptable de trampas y la habilidad kick

queria que funcionara medianamente bien en pvm y que sirviera en pvp xP, respecto a hacerla hibrida seria con trampas de rayo o fuego?, sobre la build que puse pense que serviria usar rafaga de mente + capa de sombras para poder asegurarme de 2 cosas: 1. que no me ataque, 2. que tenga poca defensa y le entren todos los kicks ademas el bonus de defensa ayudaria a mejorar mi poca defensa (principal debilidad de las asesinas)
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Asunto: Re: Build asesina kicker  MensajePublicado: 09 Nov, 2011 - 05:43 AM

Hija del Demonio
1121 posts

Hija del Demonio

Miembro desde
13 Nov 2009
no se si entiendes las abreviaturas que te puse esa es la hibrida de kick rayos con el equipo puedes usar

amu rings angelicals
uped gores o shadow dancers

torch anni gc de shadow y de trampas puedes mesclar alli que quieres potenciar

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Asunto: Re: Build asesina kicker  MensajePublicado: 10 Nov, 2011 - 12:10 AM

9 posts


Miembro desde
27 Oct 2011
Si Lust, si entiendo las abreviaciones que hiciste, por cierto... tener una asesina solo subiendole a trampas, a ráfaga de mente y a (sm o sw) puede ser viable gracias a esto:

hi everyone. I have some questions about the shadow master:

1. I there anyway you can see how much physical damage she does?
(calc. or such things)

not sure how, but I am sure you can probably calculate it. the biggest issue is you don't know what weapon she is using it could have a cruel mod on it which would greatly boost her damage.

2. At which lvl does she casts her skills?

1/3 shadow master slvl + 1/2 skill in questions slvl

3. If I put more skills into her, is AR, life and resist all the only thing that will increase? I mean will she get some new equipment or that kinda stuff?

She upgrades equipment to rares until slvl 17 afterwhich you only gain to her stats.

4. I have read a lot of threads concerning the synergies a master uses but I havent come to clarity with it yet. Does she uses "my" synergies or doesnt she use any at all?

She uses her own synergy which is the trick to gaining really high synergy bonuses with a shadow.

You need to look at the teacher build to fully understand it (don't have the link). You can get some idea by the slvl she uses from the above calculation. She has 0 synergy until she uses the synergy then she has the slvl she used as the synergy. So if you have a slvl 21 shadow and a slvl 20 skill your shadow will use it at 21/3+20/2 = slvl 17 and she will then mark that as her slvl for using it as a synergy. Ie the first skill used is unsynergied each time you recast your shadow, stated as teaching a shadow your making the shadow cast the synergy skills first to boost her killing skill. More easily done with a shadow warrior.

sobre la ráfaga de mente:


What is the purpose of maxing Mind Blast?

With Mind Blast you can gain a little bit of control over your opponent; it pushes them back and prohibits their movement (it's effectiveness is affected by your opponents grade of FHR).

Sure, alright, awesome... why would I max it? There are two reasons to do so;

Ever noticed that little swirl that appears above one's head after a mind blast? Whenever that swirl is visible, the character will be put into hit recovery by anything that hits him. Regardless of the amount or type of afflicted damage. The duration of the swirl increases every level untill it reaches its maximum of 10 seconds at skill level 41. A longer duration helps you setting up and maintaining a proper lock.

Secondly, a high level mind blast hurts. A lvl 50 mind blast sports 336-346 damage, 28-29 damage after the PvP penalty and 50% DR. That sure looks like it would be just a small tickle to any character. That is true, but even tickles leave bruises after a while. A high level mind blast along with 65% fcr or higher can't be ignored on the long run. Beside that, it's fun as hell to kill people who lack DR with merely mind blast. Mind Blast is also a good finisher for 1 life runners.

A third argument used to be that a high level mind blast would cause your Shadow Master to cast it more often. However, after a series of tests I have been unable to find any relation at all between the level and the frequency of which the Shadow Master uses the skill in question. If you have any extra thoughts, arguments or findings on this matter, don't hesitate to contact me.

alguien a probado si esto en realidad funciona?
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